Tag: JavaScript

Has Your LinkedIn Account Possibly Been Compromised?

Here’s a quick tip. If you use LinkedIn to keep track of your professional circles you may recall a leak of 6.5 million passwords. These had been stored in the form of unsalted hashes which means that many will be easy to crack if you have used password consisting only of dictionary words and if …

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Windows Phone 7 and Google’s Artificial Limitation of Multiple Calendars

Disable JavaScript in Safari

If you happen to use more than one calendar in Google Mail or your corporate e-mail then you might have realised that Windows Phone 7 only seems to support the primary calendar for some reason over Exchange ActiveSync. This is despite other EAS compatible devices such as the iPhone and iPad having worked with multiple …

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Use JavaScript to Forward to Specific Pages Based Upon Browser Version

A slightly more technical article for today. Today, I was asked by a colleague to come up with a snippet of code that would detect the version of Internet Explorer in use on a computer and then forward the browser to different pages based upon the result. With a bit of help from Google, I …

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Firefox 4 Beta 9 Released

Another quick update for this evening. If you are running the Firefox 4 Beta on your computer you might like to bump the update checker inside the browser to download the latest Beta 9 offering which has been made available in the last couple of days. If you want to view the complete list of …

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Force Secure HTTP with NoScript

NoScript - HTTPS Settings

Yesterday, I blogged about how FireSheep made it quite easy for the average person to impersonate other users on social networking websites that were using the same insecure wireless network. The simplest thing a user can do is to force secure HTTP (or HTTPS – HyperText Transport Protocol Secure) but this can be a chore …

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Google Unveils Instant Live Search

We all know that Google has been interested in developing new products and capabilities and, by the same token, willing to cull products when they haven’t hit the mark. Google Instant is a new feature augmenting  its popular search. Basically, it allows you to see your search results as your are typing your keywords and …

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Internet Explorer 9 Beta – Coming Soon

For those that regularly follow this blog, you will be aware that Microsoft is currently developing Internet Explorer 9 and has released a total of four “platform previews” to show the nerds and developers amongst us the progress made. Microsoft have been on a pretty tight schedule and have released a new preview once every …

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Firefox 4 Beta 1 – First Look

Firefox 4 (New Toolbar)

Firefox 4.0 has been a long time and for those who might not have been following its development could probably be forgiven for thinking that things have gone into a bit of a holding pattern recently. Thankfully, a beta release has emerged from Mozilla and I’ve taken a quick look at it. What you will …

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Smokescreen brings Flash Content to iPhone OS

Despite the prolonged stalemate between Apple and Adobe when it comes to Flash content on the Apple iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. A couple of guys, Chris Smoak and Simon Willison have come up with a JavaScript framework that essentially reads in a SWF file and turns them into animated SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files. …

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Internet Explorer 9 Preview – Second Release

JavaScript Benchmarks

Microsoft quietly released its second update to the Internet Explorer 9 Preview. I gave an overview of the first release here if you want to get up to speed on how the original preview performed. From a look and feel perspective, it looks very much the same. All of the usual toolbars and menus are …

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