Category: Programming Languages

Check Your Java For Explotability

A quick tip tonight for people with Java installed on their computers. Generally, there are three principles regarding the safe usage of computer software: If you weren’t looking for it then don’t install it on your device, If you do need the software then always keep it up to date, If you no longer need …

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Watch for New eBay Auctions Using RSS

eBay RSS Feed in Outlook 2010

RSS is a great tool to make sure you can keep on top of new events without having the continually poll a stack of websites in your browser. One such example might be if you are keeping your eyes peeled for some bargain auctions on eBay but would get pulled up for having eBay on …

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Windows Phone 7 and Google’s Artificial Limitation of Multiple Calendars

Disable JavaScript in Safari

If you happen to use more than one calendar in Google Mail or your corporate e-mail then you might have realised that Windows Phone 7 only seems to support the primary calendar for some reason over Exchange ActiveSync. This is despite other EAS compatible devices such as the iPhone and iPad having worked with multiple …

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Specify a Particular Version of Java for Self-Hosted Applets

Yesterday, I looked at how you can run an older version of Java in parallel with an existing installation and then explicitly use the older version for all Java applications. Whilst this is an easy solution to implement it does create potential security risks for computers that are using older versions of Java containing known …

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Run Parallel Installations of Older Versions of Java

Java Control Panel

Sometimes when you update software to the latest revision it can sometimes break stuff or cause unexpected behaviour to surface. One such example is a particular Java applet I use from time to time and Java 6 Update 24 that was recently released which completely breaks the copy and paste functionality due to enhanced security …

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FTP and the Difference Between ASCII and Binary Modes

Notepad Binary Code

Edit: Thanks to Brian Layman for picking up some horrible errors on my part on the below 🙂 A slightly more technical article for today. For those of you who use FTP every now and then along with FTP client software such as FileZilla or the command line FTP utility that comes with Windows you …

Continue reading – Your Personal Splash Page

These days, we have all sorts of social networking sites carving out their part of the internet and vying for your precious time. Facebook is one of the big hitters along with Twitter for the vast majority of people but others sites such as LinkedIn and Foursquare also have their uses in amongst everything else …

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Internet Explorer 9 – Beta Released Today

Internet Explorer 9 - Facebook Bookmark Jump List

Another short one for this evening. It’s been plastered on all the major news websites so you would have to have been blind to have missed it. The beta release of Internet Explorer 9 has been released today with much fanfare from Microsoft. I have to say that its performance so far has been fairly …

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Internet Explorer 9 Beta – Coming Soon

For those that regularly follow this blog, you will be aware that Microsoft is currently developing Internet Explorer 9 and has released a total of four “platform previews” to show the nerds and developers amongst us the progress made. Microsoft have been on a pretty tight schedule and have released a new preview once every …

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Check Naming Conventions for Consistency

Just a quick blog before I hop on a flight back to Helsinki. One thing I noticed in Denmark was how they labelled floors in buildings, particularly when it came to labels in elevators and around escalators. Unlike what www expect in Australia, the ground floor is marked as “zero” with floor above it incrementing …

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