Category: Java

Check Your Java For Explotability

A quick tip tonight for people with Java installed on their computers. Generally, there are three principles regarding the safe usage of computer software: If you weren’t looking for it then don’t install it on your device, If you do need the software then always keep it up to date, If you no longer need …

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Specify a Particular Version of Java for Self-Hosted Applets

Yesterday, I looked at how you can run an older version of Java in parallel with an existing installation and then explicitly use the older version for all Java applications. Whilst this is an easy solution to implement it does create potential security risks for computers that are using older versions of Java containing known …

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Run Parallel Installations of Older Versions of Java

Java Control Panel

Sometimes when you update software to the latest revision it can sometimes break stuff or cause unexpected behaviour to surface. One such example is a particular Java applet I use from time to time and Java 6 Update 24 that was recently released which completely breaks the copy and paste functionality due to enhanced security …

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FTP and the Difference Between ASCII and Binary Modes

Notepad Binary Code

Edit: Thanks to Brian Layman for picking up some horrible errors on my part on the below 🙂 A slightly more technical article for today. For those of you who use FTP every now and then along with FTP client software such as FileZilla or the command line FTP utility that comes with Windows you …

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Keep YouTube Videos for Posterity with KeepVid

KeepVid Video Link Submission

I’m sure we have all come across a YouTube video or two that, for one reason or another, became an instant favourite or stirred up some sort of nostalgia for the old days. Whilst broadband speeds have been increasing and video sharing has become more popular, sometimes it isn’t so possible to get to YouTube …

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