Category: Windows 8

Don’t Waste Time Reinstating the Legacy Start Menu in Windows 8

The title pretty much says it all but there are some solutions out there such as Start8 trying to recreate some form of a Start Menu in Windows 8 which eschewed this fundamental feature introduced in Windows 95. Eighteen years of the Start Menu can be long enough to have users rusted on to a …

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Search for Apps Quickly in Windows 8

Here’s a short and sharp tip tonight for those cutting their teeth on the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. While the full screen Metro interface looks pretty you could potentially find yourself overwhelmed when trying to find an app when you have many more installed as time progresses. You can group applications into logical groups but there will …

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Task Manager Under Windows 8

Task Manager has been one of those handy things since Windows NT to kill off applications and processes that are consuming too much of a system’s resources and has evolved over the years to become more sophisticated. With that in mind, people may be shocked with what is initially presented to them under Windows 8. …

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64-bit Windows 8 in a VM Requires Hardware Virtualisation

Here’s a quick tip for tonight relating to the Windows 8 Consumer Preview which I have written up yesterday as well as the installation process. If you want to use the 64-bit version of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview you need to make sure that you computer can provide hardware virtualisation. This function allows a virtual …

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Windows 8 Comsumer Preview

Well, the Windows 8 Consumer Preview is upon us and every nerd and their Aibo (robot dog, get it) has been trying it out and sharing their thoughts with the world. Of course, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity being one to try things as soon as they become available so I thought I’d share my …

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Workaround Windows Terminating HDMI Audio Playback When Sleeping Monitors

A quick tip for tonight. One disappointing “feature” in Windows 7 is when you are playing back audio to a television over HDMI and the power saving feature kicks in to turn off connected screens it also stops audio from being transmitted over HDMI. This can be annoying when you are relaying sound to a …

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Windows on ARM Comes with Office 15 Baked In

For people seriously considering a Windows 8 tablet as their next tablet OS here is something that might sweeten the deal a bit. While the iPad has built in viewing capabilities for Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint slidepacks the ability to edit them as part of the base operating system is absent. The …

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MiniBin – A Cleaner Recycle Bin Solution for Your Windows 7 Taskbar

Here’s a quick tip for this evening. A while back I wrote about a way you could get the Recycle Bin in Windows to appear on the Taskbar but it was quite a  hacky and inelegant solution. Well, there’s a great little application called MiniBin available here that will add the recycle bin to the system …

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Open Multiple Regedit Windows

Here’s a quick tip for tonight. If you are editing the registry sometimes you might like two registry editors open at the same time so you can compare the existing state with the updated state. However, attempting to do so will only allow you ever to open registry editor. The way around this is to …

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Why Won’t Windows Automatically Sleep?

Recently, I reinstalled Windows 7 from scratch after putting a brand new OCZ RevoDrive 3 X2 solid state drive in my desktop computer but since then my computer hasn’t been going to sleep automatically after its nightly backup. After a bit of research, I found that I needed to use the powercfg tool to see what …

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