Tag: Opera

Webroot Social Media Sobriety Test

Some of us may have regrets of posting a message on one or more social media websites after having had a big night on the grog. Whilst I don’t drink (and as a result don’t have this particular issue) I can possibly see some merit in a sobriety test for social media sites for those …

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Web Fonts – Should You Be Excited?

Unless you closely follow the developments of the Google Docs service you would more than likely have missed this update. Previously, Google Docs had a somewhat limited number of fonts from which to choose which could make documentation bland and limited in its professional use depending upon your requirements. Starting today, Google has added six …

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Smokescreen brings Flash Content to iPhone OS

Despite the prolonged stalemate between Apple and Adobe when it comes to Flash content on the Apple iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. A couple of guys, Chris Smoak and Simon Willison have come up with a JavaScript framework that essentially reads in a SWF file and turns them into animated SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files. …

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Internet Explorer 9 Preview – Second Release

JavaScript Benchmarks

Microsoft quietly released its second update to the Internet Explorer 9 Preview. I gave an overview of the first release here if you want to get up to speed on how the original preview performed. From a look and feel perspective, it looks very much the same. All of the usual toolbars and menus are …

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Opera Mini for iPhone & iPod Touch – My Review

I’ve had a chance to use the recently released Opera Mini browser for iPhone and iPod Touch for the last couple of weeks and thought that it was enough time to give a proper review of the application. I provided my first impressions in an earlier blog post but will elaborate on my findings. When …

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Opera Mini for iPhone & iPod Touch – Approved

As promised in an earlier blog post, I said I would give a review of the Opera Mini browser for iPhone and iPod Touch if and when it became available. I am still planning on doing that after I have given it a thorough shakedown but the good news is that Apple seems to be …

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Opera Mini for iPhone – Wait for it, Wait for it…

A couple of days ago, Opera announced that it had submitted Opera Mini to the Apple App Store. Opera is one of the stalwarts of the browser industry having been released back in 1996 and now up to Version 10. Opera has also been lauded as the quickest when it comes to webpage rendering particularly …

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