Tag: Logitech

iTunes Keeps Reopening After Being Closed

A quick tip for those out there who have problems closing iTunes and it just keeps reopening again and again. If this is happening to you and you have a Logitech gaming keyboard then you might want to update to Version 8.30 of the Logitech Gaming Software. Apparently, there was a bug in 8.20 that …

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Obtain Full HD Video Calling with Skype

A lot of people use Skype to stay in touch with friends and loved ones and sometimes the video quality can be let down by a number of things including: poor bandwidth (slower connections will only support lower resolution video), poor connectivity between you and the other party on the call, lower quality or less …

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Terminate A Lingering Windows Media Player

Windows SideShow

Since building my new computer I have noticed that when I have closed Windows Media Player its process would continue to run in the background and, over time, gradually use up more memory. Now, I’m not short of memory by any means with 12GB in total but this problem does have the side effect of …

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Optical, Laser and Darkfield Mice – What’s the Diff?

Before you get any ideas, I’m not talking about mice with laser beams on their heads a la Dr Evil. If you have been using computers for a while you might remember those wretched mice with the little ball inside them that would always misbehave just when you had a deadline or wanted any sort …

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Skype – Free Voice and Video Calls for the Masses

Skype (Conversation Window)

Traditionally, people have relied on landlines and more recently mobile phones to keep in touch with their friends and loved ones. Sure, costs to call people interstate or internationally have come down over the years and mobile caps are helpful to a degree but you still end up having to bear the cost of communication. …

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