Fix iOS 5 Upgrade and Error 1303 (Error -1303)

Well, I decided to upgrade my original iPad to iOS 5 this evening and received “Error -1303” (or “Error 1303” to help the search engines find it more easily) three times. I was offered the option to proceed without backing up my device but I didn’t think that was a good option.

I ran another manual backup and I am not performing a bare metal restore of the iPad which will wipe it and blast iOS 5 straight on then restoring apps and data from my backups. I am guessing it is similar to formatting your computer and putting the latest version of Windows on it rather than upgrading over the top again and again.

This process should also work for iPhones and iPod Touches too.

I’ll let you know how I get on!

Update @ 2129 hours: I have updated the iPad to iOS 5 and now restoring from backup. Fingers crossed!

Update @ 2143 hours: All done, you wouldn’t have known that the upgrade ran into any hiccups unless you were here.


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    • Charles on November 7, 2011 at 05:29
    • Reply

    Hi, I’m getting the same error 1303. But you don’t say what you did to get rid of the error, only that you were not going to wipe your iPad. What did you do to get it to work?

    1. The second paragraph outlines my plan of attack but the “not” should be omitted… my bad 🙂

      It should read as:

      I ran another manual backup and I am performing a bare metal restore of the iPad which will wipe it and blast iOS 5 straight on then restoring apps and data from my backups. I am guessing it is similar to formatting your computer and putting the latest version of Windows on it rather than upgrading over the top again and again.


  1. […] ist, wenn man das iphone wiped, ios5 installiert und dann einen restore vom letzten Backup macht.…03-error-1303/ Ich trau mich abe rnoch […]

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