Beware of Micropayments

Having a connection to the internet on mobile devices has enabled an explosion of data accessibility and applications over the last decade. I remember when you needed to load applications via USB or SD card but now you can do it over Wi-Fi or 3G/4G connections without plugging in a cable.

Of course, this ease of use has given rise to micropayments and, as the name might imply, small payments that may range from a few cents to a couple of dollars. These days, not only can a lot of app can be had for these prices but also in-app purchases. Perhaps the most popular implementation of in-app purchases at present are games that offer virtual items for sale or the ability to get ahead in the game for a one off cost.

However, these costs can quickly add up for users whilst costing the app developer virtually nothing at all. A virtual item costs nothing to produce and can be replicated infinitely for no additional cost to them – effectively profit for zero effort. For some games such as Candy Crush Saga where you can but additional moves at the end of an unsuccessful round or other powerups the temptation to just spend a dollar here and there can be difficult to overlook particularly for children.

Ultimately, keep your wits about you when it comes to micropayments. You can probably do without most or all of them in games if you persevere but if you’re after instant gratification then you may just want to pull the trigger anyway 🙂

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