Tag: command prompt

Open a Command Prompt Quickly in Windows 7

Windows 7 - Open a command prompt from Windows Explorer

Particularly for those of us who work a bit with a command line it can often be a pain to manually change directories if you want to wade more than about four folders deep. Luckily, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 contain a handy little feature to get to a folder quickly. Simply hold …

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Reclaim Space – Remove Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Backup Files

Removing backup files created during service pack installation

One of the hot topics today is the general release of Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 to the public. Whilst it isn’t a ground breaking update in terms of adding new features to Windows 7 (a lot more of the action is related to Windows Server 2008 R2) it does contain a few important …

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