Tag: Power

If You’re Computer Won’t Sleep Then Check Your Drivers

Part and parcel of building your own computer is that you need to look after driver upgrades yourself which can either be part a fun part of the ongoing tweaking process or an absolute pain. It can be particularly annoying when your machine just doesn’t behave the way you intended. For instance, my computer has …

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Graphics Cards Need Rethinking

In recent years, the graphics card industry has been pretty much a two horse race. nVidia has been around for a while after having taken out and absorbed 3dfx and has been sparring with ATi for most of the last decade. What has become apparent to me, at least on a basic level, is that …

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In-Flight Power Makes a World of Difference

At the time of writing this article, I am somewhere over the Northern Territory near Darwin at 38000 feet with another 4620km to go before reaching Hong Kong. Since there is no in-flight access to the Internet this article would have been published some time after I landed. That’s not such a big deal for …

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Erratic Electricity – The Silent Killer

UPS Utility (Categorised Breakdown)

Earlier today, my mother-in-law experienced a power outage as the result of some heavy storms in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales. Depending where you live, blackouts can be a rare occurrence or they could be a more regular inconvenience. Certainly, what many people don’t realise is that the electricity coming through the socket …

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