Sometimes There’s Never Enough Signal to Go Around

Just wanted to share an observation I had tonight while attending a show Kathy Griffin was putting on this evening (and yes, she was hilariously inappropriate).

In venues such as the Sydney Opera House which probably doesn’t have cell sites in the building you might find that as more people gather in the area the signal starts to drop off. This may perhaps deteriorate to the point that you can’t connect to Facebook or upload photos or even perhaps make phone calls.

Wireless spectrum is finite in availability and cramming an increasing amount of people will obviously create competition for that limited resource. Usually, this is counteracted by adding more cell sites in an area to cater for the anticipated loads but in venues where this has not taken place it can be very much a futile activity.

In these situations, I recommend turning off your mobile or at least putting it into flight mode. With the apparent reduced signal that your phone is attempting to access it will attempt to boost its signal to compensate to the point where it is transmitting at its full possible power for little or no result. It’s better to save the juice in your phone for taking photos and videos (if allowed) so you can upload them after the event or for telling friends how much you enjoyed (or hated) the event.

The last thing you might want is to have your phone run flat in your pocket when you need it to coordinate a pick up from a friend or family member. Turn your phone off (or flight mode it) and have a good time!

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