Improve Your Workspace Comfort with USB Fans

At work, the air conditioning in my area of the floor in which I sit struggles in the warmer weather and also has a hard time trying to offset heat coming off the windows as the sun is setting in the afternoons. It almost feels as if the air isn’t moving which only adds to that clammy feeling as you head towards the end of the work day. The feeling is also made worse when you’ve come back from a good session at the gym despite having had a shower.

Anyway, I decided to take matter into my own hands by investing in four fans that draw power from USB sockets.

USB fan connected to a powered USB hub

USB fan connected to a powered USB hub

A while ago I bought a thirteen port powered USB hub to make it a bit easier to plug in my USB sticks without having to reach over the desk for the ports on the laptop. I figured I had plenty of spare ports for dedicated use for fans so I went and bought them.

At $7 a pop on eBay with free shipping from Hong Kong I thought these were a great deal and they do move quite a bit of air for such a tiny unit. The fans don’t generate too much noise either to prevent disturbing my colleagues (most of whom wanted in on fan purchases which have now spanned two orders of a total of thirty fans).

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