A Kinder, Windows Themed Alarm for Windows Phone

One gripe I have about Windows Phone is that there is only one volume setting which covers general sound volumes, ringtone volumes and headphone volume. This means that if you have the alarm set you might need to adjust your phone volume to suit just so you’re not jolted in the morning by the alarm going full blast (or close to it).

Anyway, I wanted to find some new alarm tones but keeping in the Windows theme. After some thinking it dawned upon me that the Windows startup sound from Windows ME and Windows 2000 would make a good choice.

At least to my ear this sound is more gentle compared to those for Windows 95 and Windows 98 both of which could easily have you leaping out of your chair if you have your speakers turned up just a little too loud.

I won’t post a link to the sound here but if you Google for it you shouldn’t have too many problems finding it to copy on to your phone.

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