Backup the Recovery Partition on Microsoft Surface

If you want to create a backup of the recovery partition on your Microsoft Surface to protect against it becoming corrupted on the device or if you want to free up the space used by the recovery partition then this quick guide may be of interest to you (as far as backing up the recovery partition is concerned).

Before you get started, you’ll need a USB drive at least 4GB in size which will be formatted as part of the backup process. If there is data on the target USB drive then you should back that up before proceeding!

Anyway, here is what you need to do:

  1. Plug in the USB drive,
  2. Swipe in from the right of screen and tap the Search charm,
  3. Tap Settings in the right hand list and type in Recovery,
  4. Tap Create a recovery drive,
  5. Accept any User Account Control prompts that may appear, if any,
  6. Make sure Copy the recovery partition from the PC to the recovery drive option is ticked and tap Next,
  7. Select the drive from the list and then tap Next then Create,
  8. Wait about ten to twenty minutes for the backup to complete (depending on the speed of your USB drive),
  9. Click Finish (unless you want to delete the recovery partition from the Microsoft Surface which I will cover in another article).

As with any backups, make sure you keep it in a safe and easily remembered place just in case you require it!


1 ping

  1. […] I provided the instructions on how to copy the backup partition in a Microsoft Surface on to a USB flash drive. Obviously, it’s also worth knowing how to use the backup if you do wipe the recovery […]

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