Keep Informed on Product Recalls

Not all electronic devices are created equally and sometimes, due to poor manufacturing or lack of testing, product recalls are necessary to correct these defects. Companies may take out newspaper ads, attempt to contact customers based upon their product registration details and perhaps even television ads (if they are brave).

Anyway, there is something you can do to keep on top of product recall announcements.

You can visit the Product Safety Recalls website here on a regular basis but unless you can remember to keep swinging by all the time it’s probably not the most effective way to keep tabs on what is going on. The best thing I could recommend is subscribing to one or more of the RSS feeds here so that you can browse through the lists as they trickle through.

I think it’s perhaps better to skim over listed recalls that may not necessarily affect you, your family or friends in order to find out about hopefully the very few product recalls that do end up affecting you and those around you.

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