Always Backup Before Upgrading

Just a simple but important concept for tonight.

The title pretty much says it all but it is very surprising how many people take the risk of upgrading software of the operating system on their computer with the expectation that nothing will go wrong. In contrast, many businesses who take their IT environments seriously not only have regular backups of their production environments but there will also be one or more test environments. These come in very handy when testing patches and upgrade packages and procedures without harming your production environment.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of us at home will have our main computer or a group of computers which are non-identical. Even more worryingly, a lot of people don’t have automatic backups let alone manual backups to safeguard their data. Whilst upgrades can proceed without any glitches I really don’t think it’s worth the risk especially considering the capacities and affordability of consumer grade backup solutions.

These days, external hard drives are cheap and 2TB can be had for under $120 or cheaper which should be plenty for the average person to backup their content and their operating system image. A lot of external hard drives also come with one button backup solutions as well to take all of the guesswork out of backing up whilst retaining advanced options for the experts. It’s a small investment to make sure your irreplaceable information is kept safe and easily accessible should something go wrong with the primary copy.

Being prepared for the worst whilst hoping for the best is a far better situation than just blindly hoping for the best – you’ve got to back it up to get it back!

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